Descending Eagles Logo

A note from our Assistant Director: First and foremost, we are well aware of the intense emotion the subject of the death penalty brings to the surface. If a loved one has been the victim of a violent crime, you have our deepest sympathies. That does not, however, change the fact that innocent men are currently on death row in the State of Texas and around the world. Neither does it change the fact that even the guilty are still human and deserving of the same rights as you or me. We can appreciate your opinion, but do not need your hate mail. Thank you for thinking twice and for being civil.

For more information about our organization: information (at)

To plan a speaking engagement with one of our experts: speak (at)

If you have a loved one on death row and are seeking information about legal assistance or clemency: aid (at) descending

We accept donations via PayPal:
For donations or inquiries, our mailing address is:
Descending Eagles
P.O. Box 49339
Austin, TX 78765-9339

Descending Eagles is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
All donations are tax deductible in the United States.
Copyright 2010